Moving: Your Ultimate Guide

How to organize your move from start to finish

When it comes to significant life milestones, moving ranks up there with starting a new job or getting married. The good news? Getting organized will not only make the actual move less stressful but set you up for success as you put together your new home. 

At Graceful Spaces, we believe that a solid strategy and daily habits can help anyone get more organized and surround themselves with the things they love. So we've put together our top tips to help you create a seamless transition that makes you feel at home from day one.

How to stage your home to sell

Taking the time to stage your space can make all the difference in your home sale. Buyers want to know you have cared for your home and that they will not be walking into significant issues. To start, we recommend completing any easy touch-ups you've been putting off, like squeaky hinges or scuffed walls. 

Once you've tackled touch-ups, it's time to declutter.

Remember, not only will buyers see this during showings, but you will have to pay to move it to your new home and still deal with the clutter on the other end. So get it done early.

Get a head start on the packing process by storing away knick-knacks, extra toys, and anything else that might make your space look too crowded. Now is the time to go through those bins of "stuff" and let go of whatever you haven't been using. 

When staging a room, you want to think about how buyers will most likely use it. Give any spare bedrooms you've been using a clearly defined purpose by turning them into a guest bedroom or office. Don't forget about the closets— buyers will open them to see their size, so this is not the place to store excess clutter! (In fact, if they find these "hidden" closets, they will wonder what else is being hidden.)

Last but not least, don't forget about curb appeal. Clean your windows and make spaces like the front porch or back patio look roomy and welcoming with well-placed furniture and accents like plants or doormats. Show your potential buyers that you have loved and maintained your home.


Potential buyers have a much easier time imagining themselves in the space if the decor is neutral. Consider storing all those family photos, fridge art, and other personal knick-knacks elsewhere during showings to give them room to envision where they'd put their own.

How to pack for a successful move

Want to know a secret? Most of the work of organizing your new home happens before you move. 

We like to think of the packing process as a golden opportunity to cut down on clutter and make sure you're only bringing what you love (and need) into your new home. It's a perfect opportunity to get the kids on board. Have them sort their belongings into categories, and then group them into "donate" or "keep" piles. 

When letting something go, think of the dollar value. Something inexpensive that you don't use should be the first to go. And always edit twice— you'll be surprised at what you find that second time around!

Pro tip: use black trash bags for trash and white trash bags for donation, so there are no mistakes. 

Give yourself plenty of time to complete your packing list. Start with items you won't miss in the coming weeks and go from there. Remember— it's never the wrong time to invest in organizational products. Our team transfers the following products from home to home with client moves:

  • Turntables

  • Acrylic drawer organizers

  • Linus bins (deep and regular)

  • Hyacinth (or coordinating) baskets 

  • Pan organizers

  • Can risers

  • OXO Pop containers

  • Velvet Hangers

  • Anchor Hocking Jars

Never forget to set aside important documents and paperwork such as social security cards and birth certificates. Even if you are moving down the street, so much could happen that it may cause a huge headache to track these documents down. 

Once you've narrowed down your belongings to what's coming with you, box things up in zones

Rooms don't always flow the same way in the new home. Consider categorizing all decor together, all lighting together, all mirrors together, etc. You can then "shop" from your decor in your new home as you create your new spaces. 


Details matter. A common mistake people make when moving is not being specific enough with their box labels. A box labeled "Kitchen— Kid's Dishes and Cups" versus one just labeled "Kitchen" will be super helpful when you need to find plates for moving day takeout. 

Get all of your categories together now. All of your kids' plates and dishes should be in a common zone, so the movers are packing them together. They will not move around your kitchen to do this for you.

How to take the stress out of moving day

The moving day has arrived! While there's a lot to do, keeping these tips in mind will help everyone stay on track: 


  • Make a to-do list of everything that needs to be accomplished— from turning off utilities to last-minute paperwork. 

  • Worried you may misplace something? Number your boxes and keep a list on your phone. You can even jot down a few notes about what's in each box to avoid rummaging through them later. 

  • Put together a cleaning kit so you can complete any touch-ups as you load boxes and remove furniture. 

  • If possible, consider deep cleaning your new home while it's still empty to cut down on work once everything has been moved in. 


  • Stay the night in a hotel or with a friend and have all your daily personal items with you. 

  • Prep for the day ahead by eating a hearty breakfast and getting dressed in clothes that are easy to move around in. 

  • Group boxes that belong to the same zone in your moving truck to make it easy to unload them exactly where they need to go.   

  • Keep essentials packed together and in easy reach. The last thing you want to do is hunt through dozens of boxes looking for silverware or toilet paper. 

  • Consider having an Amazon delivery scheduled to your new home and pre-preparing an online grocery pick up or delivery so you can simply hit submit when you are ready.


Just like the trusty carry-on, a box of essentials will be your best friend in the days after your move. Think of things you’ll need, from toiletries to tech chargers, and pack them in one easily accessible box.   

How to get organized in your new home

If you've followed the steps outlined in this guide, you should have categorized boxes in the rooms they belong to, just waiting to be unpacked. 

First things first— make all the beds in the house and put away daily essentials such as towels. Everyone will be tired from a big day of moving, and having a comfy place to rest is key. 

Looking at all the boxes you need to go through can be overwhelming. We suggest unpacking your home one room at a time. Since you've packed the essentials together, there's no rush to open everything at once. 

In the days to come, as you start to put each room together, consider taking a look at our ultimate organization guides and DIY courses. You'll find everything you need to make your new space work for you.  

*Pillar page links here*


Most of the work for this step happens before you ever step foot in your new home. However, by using your packing process as a chance to get rid of unnecessary items and consolidate others, you'll cut down on clutter and set yourself up for success.  

Remember to give yourself a break

No matter how prepared you are, moving is hard work. So don't stress yourself out too much, thinking everything has to be perfectly organized right away. 

As you get to know your new space, you'll start to notice any changes in your routine and the items you need in easy reach. Give yourself some time to breathe, and when you're ready, use this information to update your systems and make each room work for you and your family. 

And remember, we're here to help.  

While we believe everyone can become organized, working with a professional on your initial strategy can be a huge timesaver. Whether you’re looking for DIY courses or a 1:1 experience, our Graceful Spaces team will work with you to create a plan tailored to your home and your family’s unique needs. 

Best of luck with your big move!

— Rebecka, Christina & the Graceful Spaces Team

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