The Closet Diaries

Over the next two weeks, we’ll be tackling two of our favorite spaces that usually fall at opposite ends of the spectrum: the master closet and the kids’ closet. Up first is the master closet. 

Closets have the potential to be so fun. The process of editing a closet can be the hardest (so many emotions are tied to our clothes!), but this is a space where you’ll reap some of the biggest rewards. Need a little help deciding? See our guide for graceful donations.

Here’s a secret—when it comes to closets, having a lot of square-footage may make your job easier, but you don’t need a massive walk-in with an island to make your space feel special. We equally love a perfectly curated, jewelbox closet where everything has a home and selecting your clothes each morning feels like a joy.

Let there be light

Small closets can be dark and cave-like. Because I rented my apartment, I opted for battery-powered tap lights to brighten things up, help me see everything at once and lend a more custom look to my shelves (bonus: I got to take them with me when I left!).

Think vertical

Just because your shelving stops, doesn’t mean your storage must. Lidded bins stack neatly and make a great option for travel items, off-season shoes and accessories and bulky winter gear. Nest suitcases, toiletries bags and packing cubes inside the biggest piece and tuck them on a top shelf.

Choose product wisely

It may seem counterintuitive, but adding the right product will ensure you utilize every square inch of your space. I love behind-the-door shoe organizers, adhesive hooks on the wall for handbags, hats and scarves, tiered hangers and linen zipper boxes to keep your seasonal rotations under the bed (for homes without attics or garages).

Less quantity, more quality

If you don’t wear it a lot, you don’t love it or it’s not climate-appropriate, send it on its way. Invest in fewer pieces with more wearability and change up your look with accessories and makeup that have a smaller footprint!



Whether your closet is limited or expansive, we recommend a similar strategy to all of our clients for keeping things in tip-top order:

Edit with Intention

Give yourself the time to go through every item in your closet and remove those that no longer serve a purpose. A curated closet stocked with items that truly serve you is going to make you feel excited about what you own. Seeing your things displayed and taken care of is motivation to use and love what you have, rather than running to the store to find something new. Take a peek at our closet inspiration gallery.

Use the 5% Rule

So many of us have closets stuffed with “what if’s” (What if I drop a dress size? What if low-rise jeans come back? What if we get invited to a destination wedding in Bali?!). Reserve five-percent of your closet for your favorite “what if’s” and let the others go. By being honest with yourself about where you’re at today, you can stock your space with items that support your lifestyle—rather than a life you lived in the past or hope for in the future. It creates room to embrace the things that will make you feel your best and empowers you to love where you’re at today.

Plan for Seasonal Swaps 2x a Year

The extent of your swap will vary based on your space, but the goal of a seasonal rotation is to keep your collection relevant. What you see is what you can wear. Your space need not be cluttered with off-season accessories, coats and sweaters when it’s 100-degrees outside.

Keep Tabs on Your Inventory

When you pack up at the end of a season, jot down any items you need to replace or no longer use. These will stay top of mind and help you refresh your wardrobe in the months to come (we love tucking away special items we find on sale in the off-season and rediscovering them in the next swap!).

Maximize Bins with Labels on Both Sides

Christina swaps her entire closet into airtight bins that she stacks in her attic. The bins are labeled on one side for summer (Swim, Beach, Shorts, etc.) and the other side for fall (Skiing, Coats, Sweaters, etc.), making it clear what goes where.

Ready to get started? The Gracefully Organized virtual course has launched and it’s full of tactical steps to help you immediately got to work!

We’ve got a lot of ideas when it comes to master closets—and we’d love to hear yours! What tricks do you swear by when it comes to organizing your wardrobe?


Master Closet Cleanse Challenge


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