Simplify the Kitchen

a basic guide to simplifying your kitchen

In April, we hosted a workshop focusing on the busiest room in all of our homes - the kitchen! It was such a great success, and we want to take a moment to thank Baptiste Power Yoga for having us and Lululemon for setting up a popup shop in the studio for Spring 2019 cash and carry shopping! Another big thank you to all of the ladies and gentlemen who took time away to come spend your evening with us- it is appreciated more than you know! We love the opportunity to meet so many new faces in our community. Sign up for the newsletter & check our workshops page to stay up to date!

Check out the recap below to get the process started…


live intentionally

create a home that supports your goals and passions

Healthy habits make the home! Remember, it’s not about short-term comfort but rather the long-term gain. We organize to make the overwhelming seem manageable, and creating systems allows you to proactively manage your home- resulting in more time and energy spent on the big goals in life. Isn’t that what it’s all about??


be successful

don’t skip the dirty work

Take e-v-e-r-y-thing out of the space, wipe it clean, and categorize all of the items to stay

make it FUN!

Turn up the music, invite over your uber-organized girlfriend, and get going! (start the organization swap trend!) Set aside a reasonable amount of time - Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your kitchen won’t be done in an hour. Be realistic with your expectations, and you will be so pleased with the final product!

eliminate distractions

we love our partners, pets, and children, but they are needy. Say goodbye for a while and roll up your sleeves. (this one may be more tricky, but snap a before pic and then silence that phone and put. it. away.)

get your mind right

what are your goals for this space? is dinner prep your priority? or getting lunches made? getting the kids involved in kitchen chores or serving themselves? Write it down, and make that a priority when considering how everything will be put back in. You got this!


start the process

gather the goods:

trash bags (white AND black)

magic eraser


all purpose cleaner

bins (we use clear plastic bins during the categorizing process)

sorting cards

measuring tape ( all cabinets are not the same- even if they look identical)

PRO TIP: don’t accidentally throw away your grandmothers prized dishes and instead keep the mismatched collection of tupperware lids.

Use colored bags to clearly differentiate donate from trash, and utilize the sorting cards to keep your categories clear.


get organized


After you have removed everything from the space, discard damaged, expired, and no longer used items. Donate what you can, trash what you can’t, and appreciate the process. Consider those special pieces that are family memories but may not belong in this space. Set aside a bin for family memories and start a “memory box”


Put those sorting bins to work! While all of your things are out and visible at the same time, put all like items together and place your sorting cards accordingly (no need to get fancy… flashcards and a sharpie do the job great for this part). Also, this is a great time to wipe down/vacuum all shelves and drawers. The magic eraser does wonders for removing those curious marks on random surfaces. It takes less time than you think, and makes the biggest difference when you place everything back in!


Time to put it all back together! Gather the (empty) organizing product from your purchase list and arrange it in your space. One sorting bin at a time, place items into the appropriate space or product. We like to use ZONES when placing items back into their new homes. Think basics - cooking zone, baking zone, everyday, lunch station, kid zone, etc.


We feel strongly that after you’ve put so much effort into a project, it should last. To create sustainability in your space, consider the usability of the products you choose for every member of your family (make it simple!), and add labels. When your products are labeled, there is no question as to where things go. If they can read, they can keep it organized.

Questions about labels or want to order some for your space?


Stay Organized

daily routines support sustainability

We recommend establishing daily routines for the entire family

Tidy up daily - get everyone involved!

Remove trash regularly

Keep a “donate” and “return to owner” bin for the items that don’t belong in the house

“One in, one out” rule

Continuously ask yourself, “do I need it, love it, or use it?”


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The Anatomy of a Pantry


Prepping your Closet for Spring